scott and da inchworm
chillin by the inchworm
night meeting
light installation
we watch the sheep go round and round
And round and round
sheep like tecate
round again
ram no hear or see its fiery death ahead
IMG_8741 too dark ignore
srl home base
ken in action
radios chargin
Rabit hairtease by Rosanna welder and coiffeurre extradoinaire
don paul has the controller!
walker examination
trash pickin are good here! lookee! I found propane!
mark's truck shows he is a burningman peace and love, or was thatfrom LA vandals? hmmmm
spark machine physics
Jon the secret sleepy guard at the south entrance guarding the machines at night and sleeping
Ram's head is special
Vandals have tagged kimrics sheep with red paint, not cool
ignore a dup
rams also drink Bud
nina pulls in at 306 am with key componets and posters from shop
sneaky soldiers at the ready
sneaky and hovercraft